Jerry Smith U-Pick Farm: A Fun and Educational Experience for Families

From Farm to Fork (and a Few Furry Friends): Our U-Pick Farm is a Root-to-Tootin’ Good Time for Families!

Are you looking for a fun and educational activity for your family? Look no further than Jerry Smith u-pick farm field in Kenosha County! This farm offers an interactive experience where you and your children can learn about how produce is grown and harvested, while also having a blast.

Js U Pick Boy

One of the main attractions at Jerry Smith’s farm is their u-pick field. Here, you can choose from a variety of fruits and vegetables to pick yourself. Your kids will love getting their hands dirty and seeing the fruits of their labor as they fill up baskets with their freshly picked produce. Not only is this a fun activity, but it’s also a great way to teach your children about where their food comes from and how it’s grown.

Js U Pick Girl

After you’ve picked your produce, make sure to stop by and feed and pet our goats and alpacas, which is sure to be a highlight of their day. This is a great opportunity for children to learn about the animals and their care. Who knows, you might even make some new furry friends!

Jerry Smith Country Store

To round out the day, head over to the Country Store. Here you’ll find a variety of goodies, gifts, and clothing. It’s the perfect place to grab some snacks and souvenirs before heading home. They also sell homemade baked goods, jams, and other delicious treats made with the same produce you just picked yourself.

Jerry Smith U-Pick Farm Field is a great destination for families looking for a fun and educational activity.

It’s a chance to get outside, learn about agriculture, and make memories together. So pack up the car, head over to Kenosha County, and enjoy an afternoon on the farm!